t-table is 1,715968 > 1,67722. It means POW+WWW What=2 How=2 Strategy has any difference on the student's achievement in narrative writing. Then, after calculating the data using Cohen's d, the effect size of using POW+WWW What=2 How=2 Strategy was 0,2496. Based on the table, the effect size is about 58%. It means the use of the POW+WWW What=2 How=2 Strategy has a small effect on students' narrative writing. In the conclusion, there is any difference between the achievement in narrative writing of students who are taught using POW + WWW What=2 How=2 Strategy and those who are taught using Mind Maps Strategy for ninth graders of SMP Islam Sudirman Salaman in school year 2022/2023, and the use of POW+WWW What=2 How=2 Strategy has a small effect on student’s narrative writing. The suggestion for the English teacher is it is better to use POW+WWW What=2 How=2 Strategy as one of the strategies in teaching writing narrative text because it is effectively proven." />