The experiment was to aim is to know the effect of INRA manure dosage and plant number every pit to the develop and to yield of cucumber (Cucumis sativus), based on statistic analysis of this experiment to expect to find the best of INRA manure dosage and plant number every pit for develop and yield of cucumber plant. This experiment not used the chemical artificial manure and pesticide.
The experiment was carried out since May 16th, 1993 until July 5th 1993 at Desa Madyocondro, Kecamatan Secang Kabupaten Magelang, an altitude of 380 metre above sea level, the type soil is Regosol and pH of soil 6.
The experiment to used the factorial with Randomized Completely Block Design (RBCD), consisted of 2 factors and 3 replication. The first factor was INRA manure dosage (P), consisted of 4 level (P0 without manure, P1 = to manure 1 1 kg/ pit or 27 ton/ hectare, P2 = to manure 2 kg/ pit or 54 ton/ hectare, P3 = to manure 3 kg/ pit or 81 ton/hectare). The second factor was plant number every pit (J), consisted of 3 level (J1 = 1 plant every pit, J2= 2 plant every pit, J3= 3 plant every pit).
The result of experiment showed of INRA manure dosage was very significant to increase the height of plant, weight of fruit every plant, weight of fruit every pit, was significant to increase the fresh weight of plant, dry weight of plant, number of fruit every plant, circle of fruit, length of fruit, number of fruit every pit, and doesn't have any effect on harvest index. Plant number every pit was very significant to increase the fresh weight of plant, dry weight of plant, number of fruit every plant, weight of fruit every plant, length of fruit, number of fruit every pit, was significant to increase the harvest index, and doesn't have any effect on height of plant, circle of fruit, weight of fruit every pit.
The highest of height of plant was resulted on the treatment combination of P3J1, (118,0567 cm) and the lowest 31 height of plant resulted on P0J3 (59,0733 cm). The highest yield every plant was resulted on treatment combination P3J1 (693,89 g) and the lowest yield every plant was resulted on treatment combination P0J3 (139,85 g), the highest yield every pit was resulted on treatment combination of P3J1 ( 693,89 g) and the lowest yield every pit was resulted on treatment combination P0J1 (222,78 g).
The INRA manure dosage and number of plant every pit was doesn't find the interaction for all of parameters observed.
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