The purpose of this experiment is to know the effect of
plant spacing and Vegimax concentration on garlic (Allium
sativum, L)
This experiment was conducted at brown Latosol soil ty-
pe, on altitude of 1100 m above sea level and pH 6,5. This
kind of soil, has never been planted of garlic before.
Methodology of this experiment is the factorial metho-
de, based on Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBO) consist
of 2 factors treatment with 3 replications, they are:
Factor 1: Plant spacing (J), consist of 3 levels, they are:
J1 = Plant spacing of 15 x 10 cm
J2 = Plant spacing of 15 x 15 cm
J3 = Plant spacing of 15 X 20 cm
Factor 2: Vegimax concentration (K), consist of & levels,
they are:
K0 = Vegimax concentration of 0,0 cc/20 1 water 0
K1 = Vegimax concentration of 1,5 cc/20 1 water
K2 = Vegimax concentration of 3,0 cc/20 1 water
K3 = Vegimax concentration of 4,5 cc/20 1 vater
The observation object are 1. The height of plant,
2. The fresh weight of bulb, 3. The dry weight of bulb, 4.
The fresh weight of straw, 5. The dry weight of straw, 6.
The harvest index, 7. The number of cloves, B. The fresh
weight of bulb per plot and 9. The dry weight of bulb per
The result of the experiment showed that the treatment
of Vegimax concentration not influence no difference of the
height of plant, the harvest index and the number of cloves,
but significant influence on the improvement of the fresh
weight of bulb, the dry weight of bulb, the fresh weight of
straw, the dry weight of straw, the fresh weight of bulb per
plot and the dry weight of bulb per plot.
The treatment of plant spacing no influence to the har-
vest index, but significant to the height of plant, the
fresh weight of bulb per plant, the dry weight of bulb per
plant, the fresh weight of straw, the dry weight of straw,
the number of cloves, the fresh weight of bulb per plot and
the dry weight of bulb per plot,
The plant spacing and Vegimax concentration interact
to the fresh weight of bulb per plant, the fresh weight of
straw and the dry weight of straw, but no interact to the
height of plant, the dry weight of bulb per plant, the har-
vest index, the number of cloves, the fresh weight of bulb
per plot and the dry weight of bulb per plot.
The bighest of plant height at JK2 15 54,7 cm and the
lowest at J3Kg is 43 cm, the highest fresh weight of bulb
per plant at JK, 1s 60,25 g and lowest at J2Kg is 34,934 9.
the highest dry weight of bulb per plant at JK2 is 35,303 g
and lowest at J2Kg is 20,829 9, the highest fresh weight of
straw at JK2 is 71,378 g and lowest at Jig is 30,474 0.
the highest dry weight of straw at J₁K, is 10,138 g and lo-
west at JiKois 5,636 g, the highest of harvest index at J32
is 83,023 g and lowest at J3kg in 77,149 9, the number of
cloves almost same all, the highest fresh of bulb per plot
at JK2 is 3814,54 g and lowest at JK3 is 1338,232 9, the
highest dry weight of bulb per plot at JK is 2223,698 0
and lowest at J3Ky is 825,765 9.
Regulation for plant spacing and follier aplication
with Vegimax fertilizer can increasing yield garlic plant
LumbuHi jau variety in heighland plain.
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