The skill of English Translation of SMA Muhammadiyah I Students are still low because they haven't mastered noun Phrase while the noun phrase is a very dominant element of translation on English text. The researcher wants to know whether the students' noun phrase mastery influences their translation skill. Based on the statement above, she wants to prove her two hypotheses : I. The noun phrase mastery has significant influence on the translation skill of the third year students of Muhammadiyah I Senior High School of Magelang, 2 The noun phrase mastery give positive contribution to the translation skill. In order to find out whether the hypotheses can be accepted or not, the researcher made non experimental research . She took 40 out of 274 third year students of Muhammadiyah I Senior High School of Magelang Municipality as the samples and usedthe simple random sampling technique with lottery to decide the samples. After the data were collected, they were analyzed with the formula of Product Moment Correlation to know the correlation between noun phrase mastery and translation skill. Then the result was consult ed to r table. And the simple linier regression formula with F test was used to know the amount of contribution given by noun phrase mastery to the translation skill. Using the correlation analysis, it is found that the result of calculation is 0,478 and r table is 0,312 at 40 degrees of comparison (n = 40 ) and 5 % of significance level. So the researcher draws a conclusion that calculation of r xy is higher than r table or 0.478 > 0,312. It means that there is significance correlation between noun group mastery and translation skill. By regression linier analysis the equation can be produced: Y= 3,36 + 0,38 X. From that equation she draws a conclusion that the increase of one unit ofvariable X will always be followed by the increase of one unit of variable Y (0,38 ) or in other words the increase of one unit of noun phrase mastery will always be followed by the increase of one unit translation skill (0,38). To test the regression linier Y=3.36+0,38X is used F test. The linearity of F test is founded 11,278 and F table 4,10 indk n - 2, they are 40 -- 2= 38 and significance 5 % Fh > F\ (11,278 >4,10). Based on theresult of it means that the correlation of noun phrase mastery to the translation skill in English significant.Based on the above explanation, the researcher concludes that noun phrase mastery has significant influence on the translation skill of the third year students ofMuhammadiyah I Senior High School of Magelang Municipality in the School Year 2003-- 2004. 'Thus, the hypotheses above proves true. She suggests that it is very important forthe students to master the noun phrase to improve their translation skill.
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