ABSTRAK The experiment on tolerance of Bradyrhizobium japonicum to residue of pesticide uses with the preventive and curative level doses for soybean plant was purposed to …
SUMMARY Gibberellin is a phytohormone, it's chemical structure is characterised by a gibban and has has a streng biological effect to the stimulation of growth. …
ABSTRACT The research of effect of the ratio of N. P. K ele- ment and the number of pruning leaves on yield of Okra (Abelmoschus esculantus) has been carried out in Mei 22 until…
ABSTRACT The research entitled The grouw of distance effect andpost of weight on growth and yeild of elephant ginger (Zingber officinale Rose) the erect in under Paraseri- anth…
ABSTRACT An experiment about the effect of kind organic mulch and doses organic fertilizer of cow on the pepper cutting (Piper nigrum L.), had been carried out from August 8 until November 2…
ABSTRACT The research which was aimed to know the influance of population on several corn varieties to the yield young spodix. Was carried out in May until July 1992 at Kedungsari Vill…
This research is to study about the effect of TSP and dung dose on yield sun flowers (Helianthus annuus). The research is located at Bumirejo village , Mungkid district, Magelang regency conducted …
The objective of this experiment is study influence of giving intensity and concentration of Vitabloom fertilizer on tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) seedling growth of Gober variety. This experiment…
The experiment is study the of population and wee- ding interval on yield of ground nuts (Arachis hypogaea L) kelinci variety was carried out since 25 Pebruary until 3 Juni 1955 at Kedungsari Villa…
ABSTRAC A research entitled the influence of the weight of seeds and planting system to the production of maize Arjuna variety, had been done at Dampit village, Merto yudan in the Magelang re…