ABSTRACT The experiment of the effect of internode and Indole 3-Butyric Acid concentration on steam cutting kidney tea growth (Orthosiphon aristatus Miq), had carried out in August …
ABSTRAK Penelitian yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh po- pulasi dan saat investasi teki (Cyperus rotundus L.) terha- dap pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman kacang tanah (Arachis hy-…
ABSTRACT The research a bout the effect of finger shaped weight and gift potassium fertiliser to the production of ginger a plant (ginger var. Gajah) was carried out at Tanjung Anom,…
ABSTRACT The purpose of this experiment is to know the effect of plant spacing and Vegimax concentration on garlic (Allium sativum, L) This experiment was conducted at b…
ABSTRACT An experiment about the effect of concentration and soaking time of coconut water on the growth of pepper cutting (Piper nigrum L.) had been caried out from March 25 until J…
ABSTRACT The objective of this experiment is to know the in- fluence of weeding intensity and the number of seedlings per hole on the yield of rice plant. The experiment was carried…
ABSTRACT The research of examine fungiside to intencity attack of lear spot disease (Cercospora spp. and the result plant small green pea (Phaseolus radiatus L.) was carried out fro…
ABSTRACT A research its to study the pathological cha racteristics Beauveria bassiana fungus on Soil bugs at Rice stand. This research was done in Laboratory of Supervision and Fo…
ABSTRACT The research about influence of storage duration and number of internode under ground surface on the growth vanilla cuting was carried out at Potrobangsan, Magelang, Cent…
ABSTRACT The objective of this research to know the influence of frequency tillage system and weight mulch of stubble on attack pest bean fly at plant soyae and Wilis variety. This…