ABSTRACT The experiment of the effect of planting distance and weeding frequency on Soybean yield (Glycine max, (L) Merrill). The experiment has been conducted at develop- ment Ce…
ABSTRACT An experimental concering the effect of gamma ra- diation (CO-60) dose in combination with colchicine con- centration upon young spodix of corn seeds (Zea mays L.) has been done in …
INTISARI Aplikasi Formulasi Media MS untuk Penyemaian Biji Anggrek Phalaenopsis amabilis (L.) Blume Galuh Indah Rahmawati Email : g.indah5758@gmail.com Perbanyakan tanaman Anggrek memerluka…
ABSTRACT A research to study the effect of plant population and dose of nitrogen on growth and yield of corn (Zea mays L.) hybrid of Bisi-2 had been conducted from August 4th to D…
ABSTRACT A research to study influence of dose of bokasi poultry Manure against the spinach plants (Amaranthus spp.). The subject of the research for knowing how much of the maximu…
ABSTRACT The aim research to know the influenced of using many kinds growth media and concentration Greenzit leaf fertilizer to cacao seedling growth (Theobroma cacao L.). …
INTISARI Respon Tanaman Gandum (Triticum aestivum L.) Varietas Dewata 162 Terhadap Pupuk Kandang Ayam dan Frekuensi Penyiangan Penelitian tentang respon tanaman gandum (Triticum aestivum L.) va…
ABSTRACT The research about "The kind of N anorganic and organic fertilizer of Brocoli" had been carried out since Juli 1 until Oktober 1993 at Wonosobo, Central Java, on the altitude…
ABSTRACT The observation purpuse which was done by using green foliar fertilizer, is to know the producing potency of same kind of peanut. The observation was from 23 July 1990 …
ABSTRACT The experiment about The Effect Of The Form And The Length of Spreading Frame on The Weld of Long Nourishing Beon (Vigna sinensis Savi L.) had been carried out at Ke- dung Sa…