ABSTRACT The researh aim is find out the effect of plant spa cing and several corn (Zea mays L) hybrida varieties to their yields. The researh had been conducted at Baledo…
ABSTRACT The exsperiment of the effect of concentration and time of application of forest fertilizer on soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merrill), had carried aut in February until April 1989 …
ABSTRACT The research about the effect of the dosage of Surplus foliar-fertilizer to the growth and production of green-pea (Vigna radiata L.) on the paddy soil and dry soil, had been…
ABSTRACT The experiment is about the effect of Potash ferti- lizer on the Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) yield of Gra- nola variety that was conducted from October, 16th 1988 until January…
ABSTRACT The effect of seed weight and rubber seed positions in the nursery on growth of seedling, was carried out on Magelang from March until June 1987. The design of this experimen…
ABSTRACT The experiment about "The Effect of Dosage of chlor Per Planting Herbicide on Weeds and Yield (Zea mays L.)" had been conducted at Tunggulrejo, of Ala- Maize Grabag, Purworejo, …
ABSTRACT Experiment about "The Effect of Dose and Aplication Time of Pre emergence Herbicide Oksifluorfen on the Yield of Shallot (Allium ascalonicum) Variety of Bima" had been conducted …
ABSTRACT The objective of this research is to know the influence of flowers and pod losing to population of Etiella zinckene- ile, population of predators and the production of soybean…
ABSTRACT The research about influence of tipping and foliar ferti- lizers on the growth vanilla cutting was carried out at Candi- retno Village, Secang District, Magelang City, Central of…
ABSTRACT The obyective of this experiment is know the influence of rate and time application of dolomite on tobacco seedling growth of Kedu kind of Gober va- riety. This experiment was …