ABSTRACT An experiment to examine the effect of soaking dura- tion of flute bud of rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.) on different kinetin solution concentration to the suc- cess of budd…
ABSTRACT The sim this experiment is to study the effect of the dosage and the time application time of Potassium fertilizer on the yield of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas (L) Lem). The experim…
ABSTRACT An experiment about of the effect of initial popula- tion and time of emergence of grass (Cyperus rotundus, L.) on growth and yield of onion (Allium cepa fa ascalonicum, L.), …
ABSTRACT Research obtaining the influence of tillage and va- riety toward the product of shallot (Allium cepa fa. as- calonicum L.) had been caried out. at Sumberrejo village, Mertoyudan dist…
ABSTRACT The research with title "The Effect of kind leaves Fertilizer on Rades red yield (Rhaphanus sativus L. var. Rades)" was done in village of Kopeng, Sub distric of Getasan, District of…
ABSTRACT The experiment about of the effect of seedling age and bokashi Shikantan composition on yield of cauliflower (Brassica oleracea subvar. cauliflower DC.), have been done since May 11t…
ABSTRACT A research of the effect of bokashi kind and number of internode of top stem number on growth of grafting shoot of Gnetum gnemon, had been done since October 10th, until December 12t…
ABSTRACT Having done a research with the tittle "The influence of the frequency of watering and of rooting on shallots plants (Allium ascalonicum. L). In latosol ground this research is do…
ABSTRACT A research of the effect of soaking interval and concentration of coconut water on Vanilla growth (Vanilla planifolia, Andrwes), had been carried out since 5th October 2003 unti…
ABSTRACT An experimen is to study the etses of Straw fertilizer Dosis and Legowo Plant Sistem on yield of rice (Oryza sati- va L.) IR 64 variety. The experiment has been conducted from june 8…