ABSTRAK Berdasarkan pembahasan yang dilakukan diperoleh kesimpulan sebagai berikut: 1. Cytozyme Seed Plus dengan perlakuan K₁(konsentrasi 1%) yang diaplikasikan lama penyimpanan 7 hari (perlakua…
ABSTRACT An experiment about the effect of depth of planting and bud position on sitting on growth speed of planting sugar cane (Saccharum officinarum L.) var BZ-132. Was carried aut from December…
ABSTRACT The experiment about "THE EPPACT OF MULCHING VRISTIEU OF THE YIELD OF FOTATO AT MEDIUN FLAIN" AND bat been carried out at the village of frasan, Escamatan Зад dongan, Kabupaten Nagelan…
ABSTRACT The experiment of the effect of concentration and time of application by Baef Foliar i folliar fertiliser on yield of Kidney bean (Phaseoulun vulgaris L.), hod carred out on Latosol coil …
ABSTRACT An experiment is in study the Influence of Various Fruit Extract and Volume of Coconut Water an Supplement Material Vecin and Went on Growth of Orchid Plantled (Den drobian Jag Concert X …
ABSTRACT An: experiment to study the effect of time of applicati- on and dose of NPK 15-15-15 fertilizer on yield of carrot (Daucus carota) had been carried out since 21 April until 22 Juli 1996 a…
ABSTRACT The research about the effect of time and methods of tassels exiling to the yield of baby corn variety CPI-1, had been carried out since Oktober 31, 1994 until January 7, 1995 at Kramat v…
ABSTRAK The experiment entitled the effect of spraying moment and Triacontanol concentration on the growth of robber seedling (Heven brasiliensin K.A) conducted on March untál June 1987 at Togura…
ABSTRACT The research of the effect of dose of farm manure and concentration of dekamon on the yield of horse radish (Rhaphanus sativus L. Hortensjs Backer variety), hgd been carried out since S…
ABSTRACT The aim of this research was to know about the effect of Topsil D Super fertilizer dose and time depth of vernalisation on seedling od leek (Allium fistulosum, L.) was carried out from …