ABSTRACT The research about influence number of nodes and foliar fertilizer concentration on the pepper cutting was carried out at Ambal Resmi Village, Ambal District, Kebumen Town, Province Ce…
An experiment to study the effect of dose of nitrogen (N) fertilizer on intencity of leaf spot attack (Cercospora sp) on peanut varieties (Arachis hypogeae L) had been carried out from 7 September …
ABSTRACT The experiment wes conducted from March to Juni 1993, on Potrobangsan, Magelang, Central Java, take the matter of regosol soil, pH 6,5 at on altitude of 375. The research wes purpose…
SUMMARY The experiment about the effect Bayrusil 250 BC and Dithane N-45 (80 WP) for pest/disease preventation on aha- 1lot production (Allium cepa fa ascalonicum. L.). The ex- periment had be…
An experiment to observe the effect of indole ace- tic acid (IAA) and node number on root growth of tea (Camellia sinensis L) of TRI 2024 in the nursery was ca rried out at tea plantation of Ngagro…
ABSTRACT The purpose of this experiment is to know the influen- ce of concentration and time distance of ergostim applica- tion to the yield of red pepper. The experiment was carried on August…
ABSTRACT The aim this experiment was to know the effect of soil cultivation before to plant on the land ex rice rice-field on the yield some green pea (Phaseolus radiatus L.). The ex- periment hav…
ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dosis pupuk dan P terhadap portumbuhan bibit pengaruh tembakau (Nicotiana tabacum. L.) Kedu varietas Gober. Penelitian dilakukan di desa Seca…
ABSTRACT An experiment of the effect of cutting position and kind of media on growth of Jatropha curcas L. had been done since June 7th until August 10th, 2007 in Candirejo Nursery Semarang R…
ABSTRACT The experiment with the aim of investigating the of fect of plant spacing and Dekamon concentration to the yield of Kidney bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) was carried out at Gelangean Villag…