ABSTRACT An experiment is to study the effect of N, P and K fertilizer dose on yield of corn (Zea mays, L.), had been done since June 4th until October 25th, 2003 in Maduretno Village, Kaliangk…
ABSTRACT The experiment to study the effect of media and frequency of watering on growth of caliandra seedling (Calliandra calothyrsus M.) had been conducted since 26 February 1998 until 26 Apr…
ABSTRACT The research is aimed to study the effect of frequency of applications of Yease fertilizer to the growth and the yield of egg plant varieties (Solanum melongena, L.). The research was …
ABSTRAC The experiment effect of plant spacing and weight of mulching on growth of ginger had been carried since Novem- ber, 29-1990 until April 04-1991. Its located at Mertoyudan Magelang. Th…
ABSTRACT The experiment of the effect of kind of media on growth of cuttings of rose (Rosa sp), had been carried out since Juny until August 1999, in Sanden Village, North Magelang Regency, Cen…
ABSTRACT The experiment of the effect time and range disappeared urea briquet fertilizer to yield of cabbage (Brassica oleracea L) had carried out in February until April 1993 at Kedungsari vill…
ABSTRACT The research with purpose to know the influence of variety and manure fertilizer dose application on yield of garlic (Allium sativum L.). This research had been conducted at the village…
ABSTRACT The research of saing dose nitrogen fertilizer to intenci sy attack of antrabnime diasade (Lonezorius alperantum et Ev.) at many pepper varieties (Capsicus од Б.). s carried out fro…
ABSTRACT The experiment concering the effect of leaf fertilizer concentration to the growth and yield of several groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) varieties was carried out at Pejagran village, N…
INTISARI Pendugaan Nilai Heritabilitas Bobot Lahir Pada Pejantan Domba Garut di UPTD BPPTDK Margawati Kharis Fatkhurrohman kharisfatur82@gmail.com Domba Garut merupakan salah satu hewan…