ABSTRACT The ressarch had been carried out at Sindurjan wil- lage. Purworeón Diatriot on May until September 1987. The moll kind in latonul, pil 5.5 and the altitude in 105 metres above …
ABSTRACT The research was to study the influence of soaking period of basal cutting in IAA before planting and num- ber nodes on growth of orange cutting (Citrus sp). The research was d…
ABSTRACT The research about the effec of plant regulator of folsistin and petroil glutamic acid concentration to the yield of varietys red peper variety (Capsicum annuum L.) had been conducte…
ABSTRACT The experiment about the effect of seed storage duration and KNO concentration for the growth seedlings of rubber, had been carried out since March 19, 1990 until June 19, 1990 a…
ABSTRACT A research to study the influence of EM4 concentration and time of feeding KCl on growth and yield of radish (Rhapanus Sativus, L.) variety Hortensis had been done November 2003 unti…
ABSTRACT The research about seed storage of soy bean (Glycine max L. Merrill) variety Wilis by several kinds of pesticidal plant treatments, this research was carried out at Potrobangsan Vil…
ABSTRACT This research is intended to study the optimum age of seedling to be transplanted under different gibberelin consentration (GA3) on brocoli (Brassica oleracea var. green king).…
ABSTRACT The experiment concerning "The effect of Rootone F dose and organic fertility kind to development of pepper cutting", has been conducted at Agriculture Faculty field of Tidar Magel…
ABSTRACT The experiment to find the effect of triacontanol con- centration to the production of several varietie of red papper (Capsicum annus L.) has been conducted Balai Benih Induk of Ngi…
ABSTRAK Penelitian yang berjudul "Pengaruh Beret Siung den Takaran Pupuk Kandang Terhadap Hasil Bewang Putih (A2- lium sativum, L.)", telah dilaksanakan pada bulan Okto- ber 1990 sampai d…