ABSTRACT The reasearch to have know the effect of mature of coffe seed (Coffea canephora, Pierre) var Robusta Klon BP 42, an experiment on done since July, 1991 up to September 1991 at …
ABSTRACT The aim this experiment was to know effect of the age of on the growth and result of chilli pepper (Capsicum annuum), Taiwan variety, was conducted in Diwek, Sunggingsari vill…
ABSTRACT The research about varieties and kind of foliar fertilizers to the yield of potato plant (Solanum tuberosum L.), had been done at Damarkasian Village, Kertek District, Wono…
ABSTRACT The Reseaarch concentration influence foliar fertili- zer to production of cauliflower was done from September until Desember 1988 in Kelurahan Tidar, Kecamatan Magelang Jawa Tengah …
ABSTRACT The objective of the experiment is to know the influence of gamma-ray Co-60 on the soybean (Glycine max Merr) variety Wilis. The experiment was carried out from January 17, 1991…
ABSTRACT The aim of this research was to study the effect of P fertilizer and zeolite dose and also their interaction on soybean yield (Glycine max (L) Merr.). This research…
ABSTRACT The research about various on medium and concentration of Greenzit leaves fertilizer for Markisa's seedling (Pasai- flora edulia) had been done at Tuguran Village, nouth Magelang Distr…
INTISARI Penambahan Tepung Habbatussauda (Nigella Sativa) Pada Pakan Terhadap Kematangan Gonad Ikan Mas Koki (Carassius Auratus) Betina Tri Retna Widya Sektyawati1), Tholibah Mujtahidah2), Anni…
ABSTRACT A study of NPK fertilizer dose accuracy on rice (Oryza sativa, L.) at Secang District, Magelang Regency, had been done since June 24th until September 22th, 2003 in Madusari Village, Seca…
ABSTRACT The research entitled "The effect of concentration Gibgro-T and kind of media of plant cucumber (Cucuis sativs, L.) on hydroponics system had been carried out in November 29, 19…