ABSTRACT A reseach about the effect of age of seedling and dose of urea fertilizer on the yield lettuce (Lactuca sativa, L.) had been carried out since October 135 2000 until January 5'…
INTISARI Karakter Fenotipe Mutan Sinar Gamma Jeruk Keprok Tawangmangu Pada Dosis Nano Nutrien Berbeda Atika Rahmi Fitri 1), Tri Suwarni Wahyudiningsih 2), Muzayyanah Rahmiyah 3) Email: atika.…
ABSTRACT The research entitled The Dose Effect of Champignon Mushroom Trash Media on Yeild of Manv Varieties of Chili (Capsicum annum), had been done since April 19 to September 6, 1999 …
ABSTRACT The experiment of the effect of some IAA and BAP concentration on growth of potato stem micro cutting Granola variety in medium of Murashige and Skoog (MS) had been conducted fro…
ABSTRACT An experiment of effect of source of stable manure. Kinds of prunning on yield of melon (Cucumis melo L.) of Sky Rocket variety, was carried out since july 3, 1997 until septem…
INTISARI Pengaruh Macam Media dan Konsentrasi Kinetin Terhadap Pertumbuhan Seedling Hibrid Phalaneopsis Secara In Vitro Asna Alfina asna.alfina@untidar.ac.id Inovasi kombinasi media kultur …
ABSTRACT An experiment is to study the effect of time ofapplication and dose of bokhasi on growth of tobacco seedling (Nicotiana tabacum, L.) of Grompol Kenongo variety. The experiment was carri…
ABSTRACT The aim of this research was to know about the effect of INRA fertilizer dose and soil kind on the yield at plant of celery (Apium graveolens, L.). This research was carried out from Se…
ABSTRACT The research concerning the effect of kinds of variety and NPK dose to yi yield of mustard (Brassica pekinensis L.) is to study the best kind of variety and the most appropiate NPK dose…
ABSTRACT The research with the tittle "The effect of the kind organic fertilizer on the garlic (Allium sativum) yield of Lumbu Putih variety had carried out at Petrebangsan village North Magelan…